Tuesday, November 6, 2018

9. Forms and Conventions

  • How are you planning to conform to forms and conventions?

In order to conform to documentary conventions, I would like to use archive footage, this will not be in forms of videos, instead it will be pictures of Roger at the Sewers Canal. I feel by using this it allows the audience to create an image in there mind of Roger in the Sewers Canal. therefor by being allowed to see him there it adds to the audiences relationship with Roger as they can sympathise with him. Another conventions is having only one setting, I will chose to only film his house, specifically in his living room. I feel this is effective as it gives a little glimpse into his house but it also allows the audience to concentrate on the dialogue being said rather then being distracted by elaborate sets. 
  • What has inspired you to make your short film?
I was inspired by the short film "a place like this" I was intrigued with having only one set and one person who tells a story about a significant time in his life.

Monday, November 5, 2018

8. Camera Shots and Angles

we explored different camera shots and angles this will help me in my short film to use a variety shots.

7. Montage

Firstly to gain inspiration we watched 'Rocky Training' this is a very popular scene and may be considered the best montage scene in a movie. from watching these I know now that a montage is a sequence of films made from a long time period but sped up to ,make It more entertaining. the training is set place within 3 months this would not be as entertaining therefor by speeding it up it tells the audience that he is training but without the un wanted clips or information.

What we wanted to show in our montage video was the boring mundane school life, we mainly show this through the gradual increase in books in every shot showing the work load growing and growing constantly emphasising the stress of the school life.

6. camera transitions

firstly we looked at the video cuts and transitions101 to find out the different transitions that could be used, this was useful as it it informed us to transitions we didn't even consider using.
the different camera transitions we leaned were:
  • match on action
  • cut away
  • invisible cut
  • cross cut
  • jump cut
  • match cut
  • dissolve
  • smash cut
  • whip pan

we also watched day 6666, a student made film, this was useful as it showed us the different ways you can use the transitions,  this short film uses transitions in a very clever way. boring mundane things such as getting a train is changed and made entertaining just by a simple transition. This has me inspiration of my actual short film as I found it made the short film interesting.


by exploring these short films, there transitions and camera shots and angles it allowed me to start to think about what transitions I would like to use in my short film. I feel that in order to portray a real life story I would like to keep the transitions simple in order to create a natural environment with editing.