Friday, July 13, 2018

2. research into professionally made short films

Tight  Jeans

(2008)  Directed by Destiny Ekaragha,. Pollibee Pictures

       From the title I expected tight jeans to be a comedy, perhaps using dark humour due to his absurd title. I also felt that this short film may be naturalist due to its naturalistic, simplistic title. the expectation I had was about right, the piece is slow paced and in the same naturalistic setting throughout. There isn't much action instead they rely on dialogue and the character relationship to entertain and engage the audeicne. I liked the aspect that setting was the same throughout, it allows us to focus on the dialogue and characters rather then being wowed by elaborate sets. As well as this you can imagine boys sitting on a wall talking in real life making it more relatable due to the natural every day aspect to it. I feel that in my short film, I would like to use the aspect of having one setting, with medium shots throughout. this will allow the audience to focus on the story behind the words being told rather than being distracted by action, movements and setting. I felt the pace of the short film was also interesting, it had a sow pace allowing us to listen to the dialogue and therefor portraying real life, I was inspired by the pace of short film. as it was still intriguing even though it wasn't really fast paced and I wish to achieve this when creating my short film.

                                                             The Fly

                                                  (2014)  Directed by Jack Doolan

      From the title I did not have many expectation, the title doesn't give away a lot about the narrative, the genre and what might happen. Therefor you go into the piece blind. Although I felt that it may have a moral story or implications imbedded in the framework, as there is many connotations of the word fly. This piece relies mainly on dark comedy, its about a fly that annoys the man so much he end up breaking everything and shooting his gun therefor ruining the robbery that is being taken place. I like the dark aspect of this piece I felt it was very entertaining. the morale message embedded was the have patients, the fly constantly annoyed him rather than ignoring it he got more frustrated until he turned violent, I feel that the short film was suggesting that we encounter many "fly's" in our life but we need to chose out battles and what to get upset with. I liked this aspect that there was a morale framework throughout, although subtle it get revealed at the end and if found this idea very interesting. I would be intrigued to used a moral message for my short-film, one that isn't explicitly told but what it implied behind the words.


(2016) Directed By Daniel Montanarini

     Arrival is a short film where we follow a women inner monologue, she is sitting in the cafe by her self, where she is waiting for a man to arrive. we later find out she is pregnant and doesn't know wether to keep the baby or not. there is only one setting throughout, the cafe, with one long slow zoom in shot that bring the audience closer to her.  I feel this is effective as we really feel in her mind,  hearing her thoughts. by brining us closer makes an intimate atmosphere with he audience and the action making us feel apart of the film. the title is interesting as it suggesting she is waiting for someone, the man, but it also has deeper connotation of her being pregnant and the arrival of the baby. this is important as she is considering wether to keep it or not, will the baby ever arrive? I was inspired with the aspect that we hear her thoughts and perspective, and felt this one perspection could be interesting as it would allowed us to see into other peoples minds, creating an image in our heads of what they are saying, rather than just showing them. the naturalistic lighting added to the natural setting and furthered the idea that this is a representation of real life.


(2015) Directed By Nick Rowland

    This short film portrays a teenage boy, as he discovers who he truly is. One part of him is the masculine boxer who has a girlfriend and best mate, whereas the other side of him is more feminine, he uses make up and wears dresses. these two people are very different. throughout there are many symbolic settings, his bedroom which is dark with shadows showing he's hiding something, dressing up. there is also the boxing ring where he has to live up to his dads expectations and the party where ehe can dress up and he his true self, but this is the place where he truth gets revealed. I feel they were successful in create the polar opposites of what is expected of 'men' and what they can be, anything what they want to be. the setting and lighting is naturalistic showing it is portraying real life.  I feel that the themes and message explored throughout the short film were very effective, this inspired me to insider a short film in which has a moral message embedded into the framework. as well as this the naturalistic lighting I felt I could also use in my short film, I want to portray real life, therefor by using natural lighting it will create an image of real life, reminding the audience this isn't just a story is a real life story. 


(2015) Directed by Caroline Bartleet

     This short film is sett in an hospital operating room, we follow one women as she answers a call to a women in distress. Her and her son are trapped in a fire, they can't get out and are waiting for the ambulance and fire brigade to arrive. there is one setting throughout in the operating room. we never see the women in the fire instead we just hear them. by doing to it represents the true job of an operator, they can never see the people or physically help them. the short film ends with the phone call ending, we don't know what happens to the women who needs help, instead the operator goes onto the next phone call. this abrupt ending is frustrating as we want to know what happened to the people, although the director chose to do this to present the real life situations the operator encounters that they never get an ending of what really happened to the people on the phone. throughout the director uses medium, close up shots intruder to create a tense atmosphere as we feel apart of the action. I think these shots were very effective and I would like to use these close, medium shots in my short film in order to create a intimate atmosphere where the audience feel a part of the action.

The Ellington Kid

(2012) Directed By Dan Sully

The Ellington Kid is a short film based on story telling, a teenager and his friend are sitting in a fish and chips restaurant, while eating burgers the boy tells a story where a boy gets stabbed, he then runs into the restaurant for help, the people who stabbed him follow him. when they get there they are killed by the restaurant workers, and said they were cooked in the meat. the ending hints to the idea that this story is actually true, giving the playful story a dark tone to it. we see the story teller but we also see what actually happened, this puts the question in the audience  head, were they recreative images, or the actual story. making us question if it is a tale of true story. this short film throughout has a light tone, as the narrator is telling the story in a fake way, by ending it with the hint that its true gives a different view to the story one that is dark and sinister. I felt that the narration and story telling was effective. this idea of telling a story or narrating I find very interesting as it allows the audience to create the image in their head.


(2015) Directed By Jon Threlfall

Over is a short film based on a true lift story, where a man from Africa, snuck onto the wheel of a plane, wanting to get into England. unfortunately he froze while in the air and fell from the air onto a normal street. This film is used to educate people on his tragic death. we find out who he really was through information at the end making it more personal. the pace of the short film is extremely slow throughout. the narrative is very interesting as they chose to start the short film the next day, after he feel from the sky and at the end we see him falling through the sky. the Director chose to do this as it shows how people got on with their lives and ignored it happened after he fell from the sky, we know this as that the beginning it is a normal morning street. this introduces the idea that people didn't care about him or his death and this is emphasis at the end when it states he is in a "unmarked grave." by making the short film slow paced throughout it shows, and therefor recreates what it was truly like. I feel inspired with the idea of having a true life story, this makes it more personal. allowing it also to have an educational aspect to the film.


(2011) Directed By Lewis Arnold 

Echo is a short film based of a real life event. it explores the effects of losing parents. we follow a girl in a busy city where she gets a upsetting phone call, she then begins to break down and cry in a dramatic performance. she states she needs to go to the hospital, friends bystanders help her and Gove her money for the tax, although after the elaborate performance she stops the taxi early, taking the money. we find out this is a scam. we discover the reasons why she is doing this, due to her dad passing away. I feel the slow way the truth of the scam is revealed it very engaging as we believe her at first, like the bystanders, but we feel betrayed when we find out it was never true. they used naturalistic settings with natural lighting, due to the fact they are recreating a true life account of what someone saw. this aspect is intriguing as we not only see the scam we also see her life, perhaps allowing us to question the motifs of people who commit crimes, we all have different stories and reasons.

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